Marmalade Pudding with a Grand Marnier Custard

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There is something just so wonderfully warm  and comforting about a steamed pudding (dessert).  They are so homey, just like a warm hug from a much beloved Gran.

I don't know what it is about them . . . stodgy, yes . . . filling, yes . . . simple, yes . . . there is nothing complicated or fancy about them, but somehow they always come across really well.  They are a bit like the country cousin at a city ball . . . you can't help but really warm to them and want to spend time with them, even though there are much fancier puds to be had.    

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Somehow I ended up with an outrageous amount of marmalade in my larder.  The Toddster LOVES marmalade on his toast.  I like it too, but not as much as he does.  If I see it on offer I will pick up a jar.  I have yet to make my own, but perhaps this winter I will give it a go.  We'll see.  

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Sooooo  . . . anyways, I have ended up with something like 4 jars of it and so I thought I would use some of it up today to make the Toddster one of his favourite puddings . . . Marmalade Pudding.  

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It's very old school dinnerish really, but he has very fond memories of his old school dinners, and I confess to having a certain fondness to the pudding side of things myself.  

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Served warm, cut into wedges, and embellished with lashings of a deliciously rich custard flavoured lightly with Grand Marnier, it went down a real treat for both of us.  I cut the recipe in half and made a smaller portion as I don't have a 3 pint pudding basin and it turned out beautifully.  

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It's nice to know that you can cut things down and they will still work fine.  But if you are game, do make the larger one as  this freezes beautifully, cut into individual portions and wrapped for the freezer.  That way you can always have a tasty pudding at the ready.  

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*Marmalade Pudding with a Grand Marnier Custard*
Serves 6
A deliciously light and moist steamed pudding filled with the tart flavour of Marmalade and served up with a sweet Grand Marnier Custard.  This pudding freezes well, either whole or in individual portions.  Do not freeze the custard. This should be made fresh each time.
150g soft brown bread crumbs (2 1/2 cups)
25g self raising whole wheat flour (1/4 cup)
120g soft light brown sugar (2/3 cup)
120g butter (8 1/2 TBS)
8 TBS marmalade
3 large free range eggs
1 rounded TBS of bicarbonate of soda
1 TBS cold water
For the Custard:
275ml of full fat milk (1 1/4 cup)
275ml double cream (1 1/4 cup)
six egg yolks (you can freeze the whites to use for meringues at a
later date)
100g caster sugar (generous half cup)
2 TBS Grand Marnier

Butter a three pint pudding basin.  Place the bread crumbs, flour and soft light brown sugar into a large mixing bowl.  Melt the butter over gentle heat along with the marmalade.  Pour the butter mixture over the dry mixture and blend thoroughly.  Whisk the eggs until they are frothy and then whisk them into the crumb mixture.  Stir together the bicarbonate of soda and the cold water.  Whisk this into the pudding mix.  It will increase in volume, but don't be alarmed.  Pour this mixture into the prepared basin.   Cover it with  two pieces of grease proof paper which you have pleated in the middle and buttered.  Tie securely around the rim of the basin.

Place the basin in the top of a double boiler over quickly simmering water.  Cover the pot and allow to steam for about 2 hours.  Check periodically to see if the water needs topping up so that the pot doesn't go dry.  When it is done a toothpick inserted into the centre should come out clean.

Make the custard during the last half hour of the pudding steaming.  Whisk the egg yolks together with the sugar in a saucepan with a heavy bottom, until pale, slightly thick and creamy.  Warm the milk and the cream together in another saucepan, just until bubbles appear around the edges.   Slowly whisk this mixture into the beaten eggs and sugar.  Bring to the boil very slowly over medium low heat, whisking constantly.  It is done when it just begins to coat the back of a wooden spoon.  Do not over cook or it will curdle.  Remove from the heat immediately and whisk in the Grand Marnier.  Keep warm. 

Run a knife around the edge of the pudding basin and invert over a plate to remove.   Cut the warm  pudding into wedges to serve along with the warm custard.  Delicious! 

Alternately you can flavour the custard with some vanilla extract of paste, 1 tsp should do the trick.

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