Raisin Puff

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If you don't like raisins, you best look away now because today is all about Raisins!  I just adore raisins.  I love eating them out of hand, baking them into cookies and cakes, pies . . . and tasty squares like these Raisin Puff ones here today.  

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This is an old recipe that my ex mother in law gave to me about 34 or 35 years ago now. It was always my ex's favourite and one of my favourites too.  And, I'm happy to say . . . tis also a favourite of the Toddsters!  

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I think I get my love of everything raisin from my father.  He adored raisin pie.  I think to this day it is one of his favourite pies.  I wish I lived close enough to him to be able to make one for him now.  I used to make him one every now and again when I did live closer.  

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I can 't remember if my mom likes raisin pie or not, but I know my sister does.  We were talking about it just today and then I remembered these tasty bars and thought I would share them with you, because I just no that whilst there may be some raisin haters  amongst you, there are sure to also be some raisin lovers just like me!  

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These are so easy to make.  You simply make a cooked filling and then bake it in a square pan between two sheets of pastry.  I like to brush the top with a bit of milk and dust with some Turbinado sugar for a bit of sweet crunch.  

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I do hope that you will bake them and that when you do you come back to tell me just how much you loved them!  Now, that would make me very happy indeed!    These are also great cut up, wrapped rightly and stogged into lunch boxes!
Related:Raisin Puff

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*Raisin Puff*
makes one 8 inch square pan, about 12 squares
Printable Recipe

Another gem from my big blue binder.  Crisp pastry filled with a lovely raisin filling, brushed with milk and glazed with sugar. Delicious.

For the filling:
200g of soft light brown sugar (1 cup packed)
3 TBS cornflour
300g of raisins (2 cups)
295 ml cold water (1 1/4 cups)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp of lemon extract

To finish:
Shortcrust pastry enough for two layers
to fit in an 8 inch square pan
demerara sugar to sprinkle (turbinado sugar)

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First make the filling.  Whisk together the brown sugar and cornflour in a saucepan.  Stir in the water and raisins.  Bring to the boil over medium heat, stirring constantly.  Cook for one minute after it boils, stirring, until you have a thick and glossy mixture.  Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla and lemon extracts.  Set aside to cool completely.

Preheat the oven to 230*C/450*F/ gas mark 8.  Roll out half of the pastry our large enough to line an  8 inch square pan.  Top with the raisin filling.  Roll the remaining pastry large enough to to fit over the top.  Place on top of the raisins.  Seal the edges.  Brush with milk and sprinkle with demerara sugar.

Place in the heated oven to bake.  Bake for 10 minutes.  Reduce the temperature to 200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6.  Bake for a further 20 to 25 minutes or until the pastry is crisp and cooked top and bottom, and lightly browned.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before cutting into squares to serve.

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