I hid a few bananas from the Toddster this week so I could bake with them. I am not overly fond of fresh bananas, unless they are sliced on top of my rice crispies or sitting beneath a blanket of custard, or in a banana cream pie. I love baking with them most of all.
If you were to offer me a bowl of fruit and there was only one apple in it and the rest were bananas . . . I'd take the apple every time. Todd, on the other hand, loves bananas, and as soon as he sees them starten to really ripen he is in a mad rush to eat them all up before they go "bad." I can't tell you the number of times I have wanted to bake something with banana in it only to see Todd sitting in his chair munching on the last banana!
Hence my need to hide a few bananas . . . so I can bake. Lovely goodies such as Banana, Cranberry and Walnut Loaf. This is so good that my neighbor asks me to bake him one each Christmas. Or my Fully Loaded Banana Chip Muffins. Oh so scrummy. Sour Cream Banana Loaf. So moist and delicious. My ex boss wanted me to bake it for him every week. He loved it toasted and buttered for breakfast. If you put the word Banana into the search block in my right hand column, you will find lots of banana delights. Each one scrummier than the last!
We love this Banana Crumb Cake. It's moist and delicious and has a ribbon of scrummy crumb through the centre, which kind of turns caramel-like . . . and then a crunchy crumb topping that is moreishly buttery. Altogether this is a real winner.
It only keeps a couple of days though . . . which if you had a large family wouldn't be a problem as this disappears like water . . . but . . . if there are only two of you, like there is in our house, you will want to cut it into single servings, wrap well and freeze, for up to two months or so.
I don't see any problem in that. It's nice to have some cake in the freezer for when the urge hits . . . especially when it's a delicious Banana Crumb Cake! Enjoy!
*Banana Crumb Cake*
Makes one 9 by 13 inch cake
Serves 12
Moist and delicious with a scrummy crumb running through the middle and garnishing the top. In the centre it's just moreish, on top it's crunchy. Gorgeous.Makes one 9 by 13 inch cake
Serves 12
Icing sugar for dusting
Bake for 50 to 55 minutes (mine took an additional 15 minutes) until the centre is set and a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. Allow to cool for 10 minutes. At the end of that time dust with icing sugar if desired. Whisk together the glaze ingredients until smooth and then drizzle them decoratively over the top of the cake.
Cut into squares to serve. This may be served warm or cold and will store in an airtight container for up to 2 days. It also freezes well.
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